If you receive a text or phone call saying there is fraud on your account. Hang up and call us back, do not respond to this call or text. Do NOT give out your personal information or passwords. We are receiving many calls telling us that customers are receiving calls about online banking fraud and then a text comes through asking for their password.
Live Life More Simply!
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, E-Statements are the right solution for you. E-Statements are a service offered to all F&C Bank customers at no charge. With E-Statements, you receive your bank statements via, a secure site that requires a username and password.
F&C Bank provides this great service at no charge with convenient access – to review your statement online 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
For more information about E-Statements, please email us at the link below or contact us at (816)-850-5516.
Once you accept the terms, The F&C Bank Customer Service Team will set up this feature for your account(s) by the next business day. However, you will not have immediate access to your statements. Access to your Digital Banking Statements will begin the next available cycle after you enroll. Statements from before you enroll are not available online.
Each location of F&C Bank offers a variety of affordable safe deposit box sizes with an annual fee.
What can I store in my safe deposit box?
The contents of a safe deposit box are not insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), or by this financial institution, or by any government agency.
We know you will find this service beneficial and just one more reason to bank with F&C Bank.